We ship daily with DHL, DPD, DHL Express, forwarders and overnight express to all countries in the world.
We send parcels of normal size and weight with DHL and DPD. A binding statement in advance as to how high the shipping costs for a delivery will be is not possible due to the great variety and the sometimes unusual size of individual parts of our delivery program. How high the shipping costs are can only be determined when the delivery is packed in our shipping department.
We always choose the optimal combination of costs and shipping time in your interests, unless a specific shipping service provider is required.
Our shipping costs consist of the fees charged by the sender and, to a small extent, the costs for the packaging material and the fees for the packaging regulation. Packaging and shipping are ancillary services provided by us and are subject to value-added tax in accordance with statutory provisions. The costs for this are summarized in our offers and invoices as shipping costs and shown separately.
If you order parts in the online shop whose delivery time is yellow or red, you will be asked whether you agree to a partial delivery. You can find details here: Partial delivery
Delivery time:
We are a small team and have relatively regular working hours and mostly off on weekends and public holidays.
Nevertheless, in 98% of all cases we manage to send your order on the day of receipt of payment or at the latest on the next working day. During vacation times or with particularly high order volumes, however, it can sometimes take a day longer, we ask for your understanding.
Important note for shipping to non-EU countries:
When shipping to these countries, an invoice will be issued excluding German sales tax. The customs authorities of the country into which the goods are imported will, if necessary, collect the applicable import sales tax from the recipient. In addition to the shipping costs and taxes, customs duties and other fees may apply.
We can send the following packages with these shipping companies:
As a guide for determining the expected shipping costs, we have put together the following tables for you:
Germany | International |
DHL | DHL International |
DPD | DPD International |
If the parcel exceeds one of the maximum values mentioned above, we can usually send it anyway. In that case surcharges for bulky goods apply, which you can see here: Bulky goods
For small parcels we can offer DHL product "Warenpost International Premium".
The shipment can weigh a maximum of 1kg and must not exceed the dimensions 35 x 25 x 10cm.
You can find a cost table here: DHL Warensendung
"Please put on the terrace when I'm not there" or something similar ...
Please note that such information is not addressed to the correct party when ordering from us and must be ignored. If you want the parcel to be dropped without your signature, you have to give the freight carrier a corresponding permit. We ship with DPD and DHL, so the parking permit must be granted to these companies, it cannot only take place on a case-by-case basis. The deliverer may only leave the parcel with you if you have a parking permit. What unfortunately doesn’t work either, but is asked again and again: alternative delivery when absent. So e.g. "Please ring James or John if nobody is at home". We must ask for your understanding that we do not expect the delivery people to do this, their job is difficult enough.
If a storage permit has been granted and the package has been delivered according to the proof of delivery, we cannot accept any liability if it is not in the agreed location. In this case, please contact the shipping company and assert any claims for recourse there.
A favorite topic, and our standard answer to that is no.
In our opinion, free shipping suggests that the service provided by the shipping services and their employees is of no value and that the shipping does not incur any costs or burdens for anyone.
We do not want to share this mentality, as it leads to less thinking when buying online. According to the motto "If it doesn't fit, it goes back - it doesn't cost anything".
Nobody likes the fact that the motorways are then blocked by trucks.
Amazolando and the others do not send their goods "free of charge", even if they say so generously. In fact, however, the postage costs are generated proportionally through the price of the goods. Some providers are also known to minimize their costs elsewhere, e.g. in employee wages and working conditions.
Of course, you can also pick up the parts you have ordered from us.
For customers who do not live nearby, this should not be financially worthwhile despite our shipping costs and rather makes sense if you are already on the way south.
The availability display in the online shop does not take into account how many copies of an article are still in stock. With a storage quantity of "one", this means that if an urgently needed spare part is displayed as immediately available in the morning, this part may have been sold to someone else at any time until your arrival in the afternoon. (Murphy's Law says: It will almost certainly have been sold to someone else.)
Far from all spare parts are stored at our location in Zorneding. Some parts have to be procured from the external warehouse, for which we need a lead time of one to two days.
We therefore ask that you place a normal order in the online shop before picking it up. There you choose "pickup" for the shipping method. You will then receive a notification from us that your parts have been prepared for you as soon as everything is collected.
If it is very urgent, please give us a short call and tell us which parts we should prepare for you.
Only then is it guaranteed that you will receive the parts you have ordered as expected.
Please note that our warehouse is only manned Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Important note for commercial EU customers:
When picking up the goods, we need a copy of the ID of the person collecting them, a copy of the ID of the managing director of the company addressed in the invoice and a pickup authorization signed by him. Everything together results in the so-called "entry confirmation", with which it is bindingly declared that the goods are to be imported directly from Germany into the EU country in which the commercial customer is based.
We refer to the shipment of parts from the customer to us as return.
For example, if you want to return old parts in exchange or if something did not fit or is not needed for other reasons.
Very important:
If you are sending us parts from a non-EU country, please notify us of the shipment in writing beforehand and we will tell you what information must be on the accompanying documents.
Otherwise there may be considerable problems with customs and the package may have to be returned to you.
Please always send such parts with the packing slip that you received with the delivery or with a copy of the relevant invoice.
A brief note as to why the return is being made makes our work easier.
You can download a blank packing slip to fill out here or fill it out in your browser and print it out.
We ask for your understanding that shipping costs for returns are to be paid by the customer.
In the case of justified complaints that we have recognized or incorrect deliveries caused by us, we will reimburse you for these costs.
Important: Please only send deliveries as an insured package..
Unpaid parcels or parcels sent to us by cash on delivery cannot be accepted and will be returned to the sender.
This also applies to returns due to a complaint - we must be given the opportunity to check whether it is correct.
Another note: If you are sending samples, please mark them clearly as such.