Parts Images

Please note: The images in the item details in the shop cannot always be considered binding in our shop due to special circumstances.

On the one hand, many of the items offered are original parts and individual items, some of which have passed through many warehouse clerks (NOS). It is impossible to represent every such article in the shop using binding photography. Nor is it possible to photograph used parts for the shop every time a part in stock has been sold. The effort would be immense and would have to be paid by someone - this someone is the customer in retail. In most cases, such a part is also sold faster than the photo could be uploaded.

And even with newly available parts, it is possible that we purchase deliveries from different manufacturers and that a delivered part differs optically - but not in function - from the item shown in the shop.

Therefore the images in the shop are to be understood as non-binding information. If available parts differ significantly in appearance or details from the condition shown in the shop, you will usually be informed before a delivery and, if necessary, receive current and binding images.

For the correctness of the article name, however, we take responsibility for errors. However, in this context we ask you to note that this also includes the information on the vehicle model, equipment variant, technical equipment and construction date and must be taken into account when placing your order.

And that with the box of chocolates from Forest Gump does not only apply to life in general, but also in particular to cars of 30 or 40 years: "You never know what's inside."