GREEN> | Parts is at least once available in our stock. Please note that our shop is not a real-time shop. This means that even if an item is shown as in stock, we may not be able to deliver immediately because someone else bought it online or in our store shortly before you. Unfortunately, we have longer lead times for some parts than for others. So there may be waiting times even if the stock status is green, but we will usually inform you if you have to wait longer than 1-2 days for items marked green. | |
YELLOW > | This part is not in stock, but there is a supplier for it. Usually fast-moving items have already been reordered. Rarely requested are usually only ordered when a customer inquiry has been received. A general and especially a binding statement on the lead time is not possible. Standard parts are usually available within a few days, but the delivery time for certain parts like reconditioned parts can be up to 3 months. Important: Even with an article marked in yellow, it may happen that we can no longer deliver this part. Unfortunately, it is always possible that the price of an article marked in yellow may be raised if we need to order it in and the supplier asks a new price. If you have to wait longer than 14 days for an article marked in yellow or if the price should change, we will inform you in advance by email. Another special case are parts for which we need the old part in advance, more about this here | |
BLUE > | Availability must be checked. This part is not in stock and we do not have a regular supplier for it, but after receiving an order we will try to find a procurement solution. The research may last several days and we cannot give any forecast about its success. Such parts will be delivered mostly as special procurement, which means they can normally not be returned. Additional cost may occur that cannot be given in the catalogues, price lists or in the online shop. We will inform you about procurement time and cost via email. As a logged-in user, you have the option of adding this blue marked part to your watch list. You will then automatically receive a notification per email as soon as this part is available again. | |
RED > | Not available. Unfortunately we can no longer deliver this part because we no longer know a supplier or manufacturer for it. But please never give up hope. As a logged-in user, you have the option of adding this red marked part to your watch list. You will then automatically receive a notification per email as soon as this part is available again. |